Surviving the Canadian Dream:
Stories of Undocumented Families in Edmonton
For this project, stories of eight undocumented families in Edmonton were audio-recorded. Two graphic artists, Brnesh Berhe and Esther Dimalanta, created an art piece for each interview. A third artist, Chio, has created pieces based on her own story. All identifiable information has been changed for each family interviewed. Also available is a podcast about the project hosted by Leanne Goose.
Is an Eritrean-Canadian graphic designer, illustrator (and sometimes writer) from Edmonton/Amiskwaciwâskahikan. She and her work have appeared in outlets including CBC, Elle Canada and New Trail. Growing up in a household where politics and social issues were discussed–all while watching way too much TV for her own good–she not only grew up caring about important issues that have influenced some of the projects she’s taken on, but where possible loves infusing humour and bold colour into her work as well– the latter a remnant of the cartoons and ridiculous things that inspired her creativity in her youth.
Instagram: @brneshberhe
Mexican by birth, in search of the Canadian dream like many migrants. Self-taught artist, since arriving in Canada and feeling so much frustration of the system. She felt that painting was a way of therapy.
is an illustrator and budding graphic scriber. Her creative work aims to be the center of a Venn diagram where creativity and positive social impact meet. For Esther, that means creating illustrations that benefit her immediate and larger communities. Esther's work is intentional, impactful, and dynamic. She focuses on creating visuals that tell compelling stories.
Special thanks to all our volunteers
Yazmin Castellanos
Danilo Deleon
Whitney Haynes
Cynthia Palmaria
Lyla Luciano
Marco Luciano
Diana Ramirez
Veronika Harmash
Landon Haynes
Leila Kampitan
Heaven Habtu
Special thanks to all our funders and partners