Building solidarity and understanding
Global Cafe
AWARE's Global Cafes bring workers together in a safe space to break isolation, share stories and support each other.
These gatherings are private in order to keep workers feeling safe. If you are interested please contact us directly and we can meet with you to provide more information.
Los Global Cafés de AWARE reúnen a los trabajadores en un espacio seguro para romper el aislamiento, compartir historias y apoyarse mutuamente.
Estas reuniones son privadas para que los trabajadores se sientan seguros. Si está interesado, comuníquese con nosotros directamente y podremos reunirnos con usted para brindarle más información.
Workshops and Education Sessions
Free community-led education sessions
Know Your Rights
A half day course on workers' rights. We go through Alberta legislation including employment standards to help you understand your rights as a worker.​
CELPIP Test Preparation
A 6 week course to prepare for the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program exam. The course is in person or online every Sunday. This exam is currently a requirement for most permanent residency applications.
Regularization Orientation
A 2 hour session that teaches about immigration status and the Canadian history of regularizing and not regularizing undocumented residents.