Completed Projects
Contact us with any questions about our collaborative research projects.

Surviving the Canadian Dream: Stories of Undocumented Families in Edmonton
A multi-media project that expresses the experiences of eight undocumented families in Edmonton. Includes podcast interviews and original artwork.
Un proyecto multimedia que expresa las experiencias de ocho familias indocumentadas en Edmonton. Incluye entrevistas en podcast y obras de arte originales.
Precarious Workers & Precarious Housing
This report investigates the current and ongoing challenges the migrant worker community in Edmonton face around homelessness and housing insecurity. Using Participatory Action Research, research team members from AWARE, Migrante-Alberta and York University made sure to involve the migrant worker community throughout the research process by holding research training workshops and by analyzing the data collaboratively. Overall, research team members conducted 22 interviews with migrant workers and 5 interviews with representatives of settlement/faith organizations.

City of Edmonton State of Immigration and Settlement Research
As part of the City of Edmonton's State of Immigration and Settlement report series, we conducted research into the lived experiences of migrants with precarious status. Two related resources are available: "In Our Voices" is the report prepared for the City of Edmonton by AWARE, Migrante Alberta, and Dr. Lucenia Ortiz, and "Hidden Lives and Unheard Voices" is the final report from the City of Edmonton.