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Step into the Void

The feeling many undocumented workers have because of their vunerable state. 




El sentimiento que tienen muchos trabajadores indocumentados por su condición vulnerable.

Paso al Vacio



The repetition of the doctor asking if she could afford the medical bills instead of receiving human



La repetición del doctor preguntando si tenia como pagar el hospital.

Ship of my Dream

Trying to find balance between the Canadian Dream and my family well being. 

El Barco de mis Sueño

Encontrando el balance entre el sueño Canadiense y el bienestar de mi familia.

Raise your Voice

The Canadian Dream has changed. From trying to survive and now fighting for Status for all.



El sueño Canadiense ha cambiado, desde tratando

de sobrevivir y ahora luchando por Status para


chio art 3.jpeg
Step into the voidChio G.
00:00 / 00:36
Paso al VacioChio G.
00:00 / 00:31
chio art 45.jpeg
MistreatmentChio G.
00:00 / 00:46
MaltratoChio G.
00:00 / 00:50
chio art.jpeg
ship of my dreams(2)Chio G.
00:00 / 00:18
El barco de mis SueñosChio G.
00:00 / 00:30
Raise your voiceChio G.
00:00 / 00:31
Alza la vozChio G.
00:00 / 00:34

Chio G.
Artwork Theme

After hearing so many stories from her community of immigrants being abused by their employer and specially mothers being discriminated by health service providers, she was compelled to do her artwork. 

In the past she also has lived through some of these experiences, when pregnant the doctor would ask if she had enough money to pay for the hospital bill before asking how she and her unborn son was.

Alza tu Voz

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